Friday, April 27, 2007

A Week of Tweak

I've always been a little neurotic and I am frequently inclined to what my compadres call in secret girlspeak "tweak attacks." Not to be confused with the ever popular panic attacks which I am also prone to...tweak attacks are those moments or in which you become rendered absolutely useless by a person or a situation or just by your own crazy self. I had a paper due this Thursday that I was "working on" for nearly a week ahead of time. My "work" in reality consisting of looking at books I had to read, looking at the blank word document, setting myself a mental deadline of an hour to get a page done, then checking my e-mail, then checking what's on sale at, then "checking" to see what happens in Ugly Betty episode 4 and then mentally exhausted checking to see what all my other flatmate's were doing. Tweak mode had rendered me incapable of typing or thinking for that matter at any more than one sentence an hour. But that's not too say that all this time was completely wasted...I learned a lot about myself and the world around me in my state of mental paralysis. For instance...

-For just a pound ten purchase of Closer, The U.K.'s No. 1 Celeb Mag I learned the REAL reason that Mel B and Eddie split up!!!?! ....Her lesbians sex romps... WITH HER BEST FRIEND I would've never guessed
-I also a learned that some how I have not seen most of season 2 of Sex and the City...watching new episodes is going to be like Christmas come early!!
-The Coke machine takes 5 pence coins but the laundry machine does not!!! It might take two years while you stand in front of sia machine trying to fucking insert 20 tiny five pence coins but the refreshing taste of that liquid crack called Diet Coke is ALWAYS worth it!
-I spent some quality time thinking about where I should go out to lunch this Saturday? New Lebanese place or just stick with good old Pret a Manger? So many important decisions!
- I remembered that I love burritos...and then I remembered that brits don't have any canned black beans!!!
- I learned about the new Kate Moss line at Topshop...and that there is going to be long lines and security to stop potential "lady" fights...which means I will be avoiding that place like that plague for the next month or so...

Anyway that is life. This post blows!! but I will leave it up. Tomorrow is another day...

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