Monday, April 30, 2007

Facing Challenges

To Do List:

- Read all of Plato's Republic
....for an essay due on Thursday essay for a class called Shakespeare: Shadow and Substance
...whose topic is Shakespeare's "The Tempest" read in the context of Plato's Republic

Did I mention I haven't read The Republic yet?

Did you notice I am posting to this blog instead of reading said text?

Did I mention that I spent most of the morning scanning items into and creating those "Oh if only I had the cash..." or "if I wasn't me but instead was _________." outfits all morning?

P.S. I found the PERFECT Summer....channeling joseph and the technicolor dream coat flats!!!

coutesy of where else?

P.P.S. If any one has any suggestions on how I can live off of the four sweet potatoes and one bag of baby spinach, not to mentioned assorted spices!!! that I currently have in my possession as sustenance I would be much obliged. It just help me to buy those shoes...

And for any of you out there having a day similar to mine just remember at least you haven't been photographed wearing this...

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